Domain Name Pirates

I came up with the name psychobabble4u and have been blogging under this name for over a year. WordPress has been trying to sell me the domain name for a while. Imagine my horror today when I tried to Google one of my old blogs and someone else’s domain comes up under MY BLOG NAME.

Pirating domain names is a really scummy thing to do. The images it evokes is of pornographic filth like a spoofed website of the White House website, or mean-spirited political attack site directed at a former President.

This was a mediocre psychology website with no traffic, purely looking for a way to get more hits on it, so they stole my blog name, pure and simple.

One does not randomly come up with a domain name like psychobabble4u. One steals it.

If your writing is so pathetic and lame that you can’t even come up with an original domain name for your blog, I’m guessing that your blog and advice for your clients is on the same level. In fact, if I were your client, I’d be making a call to my insurance provider right about now to check on your qualifications to make sure they were legitimate. You can never be too sure these days. The kind of person who steals a domain name is surely capable of faking professional credentials. Having worked in the health care industry for a number of years, I’ve seen it done before.

And rest assured, I do not endorse – I had the name first and they swiped the domain name when they saw it was available.

And if you are the owner of your newly purchased piece of slime, rest assured that you have made yourself an enemy. Feel free to peruse through my blog and if indeed you are a psychologist, you might know what kind of a person you have crossed.

Just a little update… after a little poking around online, I have learned that my little pirate has been claiming to be a psychologist on his blog, when in fact he is only an LCSW. The plot thickens…

Your website says that you do not bill insurance directly. One too many scuffles with the insurance company over unpaid claims, perhaps? Mental health providers always do tend to be the nervous types when it comes to requesting payment for claims…

What Can We Expect from President Donald J. Trump?

Two ESTP Presidents

So three days into his Presidency, we have a few Executive Orders, some Cabinet appointments, and essentially an Inauguration Speech to go on. Is it fair to draw any comparisons yet?

I say it is. Not only was there a President very much like Donald Trump in the not-so-distant past, but there was one very much like his predecessor. Yes, I am talking about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover.

The Barack Obama-Herbert Hoover Connection:

President Herbert Hoover and First Lady Lou Henry Hoover
President Herbert Hoover and First Lady Lou Henry Hoover

President Hoover was an Intuitive Thinking (INTJ) President who was elected during a time of massive economic turmoil in order to restore economic prosperity to the nation through radical means. He was an intellectual (a former Stanford  University professor) with ties in East Asia (China) who decided to use untested Keynesian economics to fight the stock market crash of October, 1929. In spite of a scandal-free Presidency, growing poverty and ecological crises (the Dust Bowls and heat waves) marred his Administration and he ranks among the most hated of all Presidents.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

President Obama was also an Intuitive Thinking (ENTP) President elected shortly after the second worst economic meltdown in 100 years. Also an intellectual (a former Harvard Law Professor) with ties to Asia (he attended elementary school in Indonesia), people hoped his fresh approach to politics would restore integrity to government and rejuvenate the US economy. Although statistical economic indicators showed that the economy had rebounded and his Administration was squeaky clean, true poverty in America increased by close to 50% and racism cannot be dismissed for the massive hatred and contempt many people expressed toward the Obamas. It did not help matters that President Obama did little to change the hawkish policies of the previous Administration that he promised to eliminate when he was elected. The Obama Administration will most likely not be remembered fondly.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Populist

FDR, American Populist
FDR, American Populist

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s was not the politician we read about in history books, the one who delivered inspirational speeches as America was attacked at Pearl Harbor. FDR was a rich New Yorker who belonged to a political party mostly populated by… let’s be blunt here… poor white trash from the South.

He was brash and impulsive and disobeyed orders from President Woodrow Wilson (the head of his party) not to run for U.S. Senate in 1916. (He lost that race, by the way.) He was a womanizer whose wife hated the spotlight (but could masterfully manipulate the media when she put her mind to it).

Does this sound like anyone?

Trump's Inauguration
Trump’s Inauguration

FDR, Techno Junkie

In 1930, radio was a brand new technology and the majority of households in the United States did not yet own one. In spite of its reputation as a decade of poverty, the 1930s saw an explosion of technological advances in the realm of crystal radio technology and even television broadcast technology. By the end of the 1930s, most American households owned at least one radio.

President Roosevelt took advantage of this new technology to disseminate his propaganda directly to the American public live on the airwaves via his Fireside Chats.

FDR Fireside Chat
FDR Fireside Chat

Eighty years later, what would be the equivalent of a fairly new technology like AM Radio? Perhaps…

Window-side Tweets
Window-side Tweets

FDR, the Family Man

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was not afraid to involve his children in his Administration. His son, James Roosevelt, often walked him to the podium when he delivered historically significant speeches, such as his “Infamy” speech on December 8, 1941.

President Franklin Roosevelt leaning on son James Roosevelt's arm
President Franklin Roosevelt leaning on son James Roosevelt’s arm

President Trump has left the care of his business affairs to his eldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., and speculation is that the formal duties of First Lady will be left to his eldest daughter, Ivanka Marie Trump-Kushner, so that his wife can devote her full time to taking care of their youngest son.

FDR, the Hate-monger

Don’t say you didn’t see this one coming. In 1942, President Roosevelt ordered the internment of all civilians of Japanese descent, including women, children, the elderly, and even babies.

Internment of Japanese Americans
Internment of Japanese Americans

This marked one of the worst civil rights periods in America since the end of the Civil War. Although some German immigrants were also interned, the government was quite a bit more selective about whom it locked up, basing policy purely on immigration status, rather than on racial traits.

Perhaps President Trump was looking at this model as a blueprint when he decided to offer a wall between the United States and Mexico in his campaign speeches.

What Does All of This Mean?

I think I have thoroughly made my case documenting why Donald Trump, intentionally, or unintentionally, will be very similar to Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a President. I am talking more about pre-WW2 FDR, not hawkish Roosevelt, so don’t start thinking apocalypse and nuclear war.

  1. President Roosevelt was not really a very good Chief Executive. He pitted his Cabinet members and staff against each other like a competition and nothing really got accomplished.
  2. Because of FDR’s isolationist policies, the Depression lasted much longer than it needed to. One only need look at The Netherlands or Nazi Germany (reprehensible as that nation was) to see how quickly other nations rebounded from the stock market crashes in the 1920s. President Trump has already stated in his Inauguration Speech that he plans to repeat such isolationist policies in his Administration.
  3. FDR borrowed a lot of his predecessor’s failed policies and re-branded them as his own (like the New Deal). We can already see that Trump plans to do this with Obamacare.
  4. FDR did take advantage of Great Britain’s military/economic crisis at the advent of WW2 to loot their economy, bringing prosperity to the United States. We might see a similar situation with one or more major European nations if the European Union dissolves.
  5. President Roosevelt managed to keep the United States out of WW2 for nearly three years while it raged on in Europe and longer in Asia. Do not assume that President Trump will be a war hawk.

It is easy to look back at trends from history and see them repeat in the future. Life is not that mysterious when you know what you seek. It is pretty predictable.

The Mistyped ESTJ – or Who is Not an ENTJ

ESTJ Witch Hunt

This is a popular discussion on ENTJ discussion boards – Who is Not Really an ENTJ. As one of the Real ENTJs who was actually tested in college with a Real MBTI II by a Real, Licensed Tester, I find those discussions amusing. Most of the pretenders are Fe-users who are trying to “become more J” and do not share any of the same cognitive functions. The differences are very obvious. An ENTP who uses a day planner is nothing like an ENTJ. My own mother was one such ENTP (not particularly with that motivation) – very organized with her finances, but to the core very fascinated with introverted logical things like astronomy and Napoleonic history and very much the Ne-dominant user in many different ways.

The real witch-hunt, however, is for ESTJs hiding out among the ENTJs. This would seem to be an easy task. ESTJs tend to have short-range plans, no longer than a month in advance, and rely on introverted sensing, not the long range introverted intuition and extraverted sensing that ENTJs use. But then, once in a while, one runs into a rare ESTJ with extremely well developed extraverted intuition, and things become a little more complicated. Te-Ne-Si-Fi shows up on a low quality test as ENTJ and brings with it all the bragging rights.

Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones
Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones, ESTJ or ENTJ? ESTJs with high intuition visualize the picture and then manifest it into reality. ENTJs use patterns to predict trends.

You can watch the full scene from Game of Thrones here.

I must admit I mistyped him as ENTJ as well in a previous blog. When I saw this scene, it jumped out at me as pure ESTJ. This quote is pure Ne/Si ESTJ visionary talk. Petyr Baelish does not really care about winning over the loyalties of the other lordships or fealties he will need to rule the Seven Kingdoms on the show. He only wants the Iron Throne itself, which symbolizes the authority and its position and therefore is to be respected. It is the institution itself that carries the respect. Again, this is an ESTJ sentiment, not an ENTJ sentiment.

Another example of an ESTJ with well-developed Ne would be Mrs. Beauvais on the infamous episode of Wife Swap when they matched a family of Arizona millionaires who literally visualized their dreams into reality with a family of Indiana Welfare recipients.

In both examples, these “ENTJs” used their intuition to visualize outlandish possibilities, i.e., extraverted intuition (sitting on the Iron Throne, building up a multi-million dollar enterprise based on selling empowerment books) that are also built on a traditional family foundation (marrying Sansa Stark despite being lowborn, an infertile couple having two children, respectively). These outlandish dreams were built upon memories (introverted sensation) of deprivation earlier in life. These are actually simply ESTJs with extremely high Ne that allows them to function in the long term like an ENTJ. Their goals are still very narrow and traditional, like an ESTJ.

True ENTJs use Ni (introverted intuition) to project future trends by creating patterns from known data. Because of our high level of Se, or extraverted sensing (use of the five senses), we live in the moment and can be thrill seekers or highly sensitive, although not to the degree that ESxPs or ISxPs are. Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones would be a perfect example of an ENTJ (except for her twincest). She does not hesitate to act when it is necessary to achieve her means and seizes the moment to achieve her goals.

So now you know how to spot the mistypes. In the mean time, however, it is fun to watch the witch-hunts. Speaking of which, I think I smell some popcorn burning in the microwave downstairs.

For more information on the differences between ESTJs and ENTJs, see: 
ENTJ vs ESTJ (video)

Are You Actually “Crazy” or Just Stressed?

Under Pressure

I apologize in advance if the title offends you – it does seem to make light of a very serious topic. However, in a world where potentially damaging psychiatric medication is promoted on television like Sarah Lee pastries (no endorsement payment for the mention) and your nearest fast food franchise, who is actually making light of the topic? I am going to challenge you to take a proactive Jungian approach to your mental health and tailor it to your individual personality type, rather than blindly ask for antidepressants because you saw an advertisement that said they would make you happy again. You might need to do some introspection, you might need to engage in some hobbies, you might need to hire a therapist for talk therapy, and that therapist might suggest a psychiatrist to prescribe medication. You should follow your therapist’s advice if they deem this appropriate. However, some “crazy” behavior is in the range of normal for each personality type.

Please seek professional help immediately if you feel you are a danger to yourself or others.

If your problems are not listed under your personality type (and you know you are not mistyped), definitely seek professional treatment. This is a clear indicator that you have organic psychiatric issues or a chemical imbalance.

It will be helpful if you know your Enneagram Type, as each Personality Type has subtle shades within it that differ according to Enneagram Type. The only types that are almost universally one type are ENFJ (Type 2) and INTP (Type 5). Of course there are always exceptions to every rule, but for the sake of expedience, I will address the most common types in this blog.

Here is a chart listing the most common Enneagram types for each Personality type:


If you have not yet taken the Enneagram test, you can learn about it and take it here.

So Let’s Begin, Shall We?
What Is Each Type Like Under Stress?

SJ – The Guardians

ESFJ – ESE/ESFj (Type 2, Type 6)
When healthy, you are the helpers and traditionalists, usually the popular kids in school, adults who love having get-togethers. A strict schedule gives you a sense of control over time. Under stress, ESFJs become filled with regret and melancholy about what might have been. Type 2 helpers become very controlling and Type 6 traditionalists become greedy and materialistic.
Solution: No one wants to be around a sentimental bore. Try throwing your energy into arts and crafts to make your next get-together even more spectacular, so you have new memories to look back on.

ESFJ stressors

ESFJ Wicked Stepmother
Snow White’s stepmother probably married for money and regretted it later in life – a classic stressed ESFJ scenario

ISFJ – SEI/ISFp (Type 2, Type 6, Type 9)
When healthy, you are the helpers, traditionalists and peacemakers, keeping things organized behind the scenes. You are prone to anxiety attacks. Type 2 helpers become very controlling. Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic. Type 9 peacemakers become hardline traditionalists.
Solution: Small pets can do wonders for helping with anxiety if you aren’t prone to allergies. Consider a Sphynx cat or Yorkie or poodle if you do have allergy issues. If you are concerned about claws or if the anxiety attacks are frequent and debilitating, you may want to consider enlisting the aid of a therapist. There is no shame in that.

ISFJ stressors

ISFJ anxiety attack
ISFJ Mallory Keaton has an anxiety attack at Princeton on Family Ties episode “Go Tigers!” after seeing her boyfriend cheating

ISTJ – SLI/ISTp (Type 6, Type 5, Type 1)
When healthy, you are the traditionalists, the scholars, and even the crusaders for change in society. When stressed, you suffer from lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and become irritable about the state of society. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic, Type 5 intellectuals become hedonists, and Type 1 reformers become lost in themselves and retreat to an inner world of daydreams and eccentricity.
Solution: Clearly a change in environment is called for so that you have more control over your surroundings. You probably love to cook, or if you haven’t tried it yet, will find that you do, so check your local community college or culinary school for classes. Beyond that, the manifestation of your stress symptoms is dangerous, so professional help is obviously warranted. If you are a veteran (many ISTJs are), you can probably obtain help through the V.A.

ISTJ stressors

ISTJ meme
I pulled this meme straight off my favorite stressed ISTJ’s Facebook page this morning. When you are irritable, you probably flood Facebook or other social media with these kinds of memes.

ESTJ – LSE/ESTj (Type 3, Type 6, Type 1, Type 8)
When healthy, you are the achievers, the traditionalists, the reformers and the leaders. When stressed, you suffer from psychosomatic illnesses and tend to nitpick at your loved ones. Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and will keep the peace at any cost. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic. Type 1 reformers retreat into themselves and become reclusive eccentrics. Type 8 leaders become reclusive intellectuals bent on acquiring knowledge for its own sake.
Solution: Coping with autoimmune disorders at the height of your career can be difficult, and talking about them incessantly can drive away your friends that you need the most while you are under stress. No one likes a complainer. Find something you like on television, whether it is comedies or sports, and cheer yourself up while you restore your health or at least rest. If you can sing, you might want to consider purchasing a home karaoke machine. You may want to consider seeing an osteopath (D.O.) and a nutritionist about making lifestyle changes so that you can return to your former active self. Depression is a serious issue – please do not feel ashamed to seek professional help if you need it.

ESTJ stressors

ESTJ Lucy Van Pelt
ESTJ Lucy Van Pelt nitpicking at one of the other Peanuts – one of the most infamous ESTJ images ever!

SP – The Artisans

ESFP – SEE/ESFp (Type 7, Type 2)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the helpers. When stressed, you regress into self-destructive, immature, regressive behavior. Type 7 adventurers become crusaders for causes, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: There is a reason your personality type is called “The Performer”. Find your roots and get involved in the arts, whether it means singing karaoke or auditioning for part in your city’s local theatre district. Dance. Sing. Juggle. It sounds like common sense, but those little things can make you feel happy again and before you know it, you’ll be back to your old self. (By the way, studies have shown that juggling can actually make your brain grow, so that’s a second reason to do it.)

ESFP stressors

Self-destructive ESFP
If you find these kinds of selfies on social media after a party, it might be time to check into rehab – singing karaoke might not be enough! #selfdestructiveESFP

ISFP – ESI/ISFj (Type 4, Type 9, Type 5, Type 2)
When healthy, you are the quiet individualists, the peacemakers, the creative artists, and the helpers in society. When stressed, you engage in thrill-seeking and blaming others for your bad behavior. Type 4 individualists become neurotically helpful, Type 9 peacemakers become staunch reactionaries, sometimes even espousing fascist and neo-Nazi groups, Type 5 artists become hedonistic thrill-seekers, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: Even though it goes against your very private nature to do so, please seek help immediately if you are feeling stressed. The prisons are filled with ISFPs. I personally know a few ISFPs who have served time because of stupid things they did under extreme stress. They seem like the last people you would expect to commit crimes if you met them in person, too. To keep your stress levels down, draw, paint, play music, and, of course, commune with nature.

ISFP stressors

Squidward's rampage
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides, it was… that LAUGH… he had it coming, he really did.

ESTP – SLE/ESTp (Type 7, Type 3)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the achievers. ESTPs really do get an unfair reputation in my opinion. Most ESTPs are not sociopaths. ESTPs can make the most loyal friends and family members of any of the types. Unfortunately, if you are a stressed ESTP, you can become impulsive or even abusive toward others. Adventurous Type 7 ESTPs become bent on proving some cause at all costs, and Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and subservient.
Solution: ESTPs tend to become a danger to themselves when stressed. Please seek professional help when you feel stressed, whether or not you think you need it. Although people tend to self-diagnose as bipolar way too much nowadays, this doesn’t mean that people never suffer from the disorder. Highly risky, impulsive behavior can have lethal consequences. Don’t find out the hard way.

ESTP stressors

Dangerous Selfie
This photo was rated one of the World’s Most Dangerous Selfies. I lost an awesome ESTP best friend who died doing a dangerous stunt on a moving train.

ISTP – LSI/ISTj (Type 5, Type 6)
When healthy, you are the intellectuals and the traditionalists. Under stress, rage takes over and your destructive outbursts are directed at whomever is convenient, guilty or innocent. They might take the form of intellectual, logical evisceration, or your rage might turn your nearest target into a literal human punching bag. Type 5 intellectuals become hedonistic and Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic.
Solution: Unbelievable as it sounds, your rage can be dangerous and has the potential to ruin lives and injure or kill people. Do not allow your stress levels to reach that point. Take some anger management classes and learn to manage your anger like you can control your body before it ever becomes a problem.

ISTP stressors

ISTP rage
ISTP Arya Stark on Game of Thrones is out of control in this scene. She was later chastised by her mentor for killing the wrong man.

NT – The Rationals

ENTP – ILE/ENTp (Type 7, Type 3)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the achievers. Under stress, panic attacks and feelings of inadequacy take over. You can become stubborn over inane matters. Type 7 adventurers become obsessed with causes, and Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and obsessed with keeping the peace at all costs.
Solution: Charge your spiritual batteries. Go dancing. Sing in front of a group. Try out for a play or a part in a performing dance troupe. Paint pictures. Learn a new language. Travel. The world is full of possibilities.

ENTP stressors

Death of Socrates
Socrates, once the adventurer of the mind for Athens, became hell-bent on proving his point of free-speech once  he was censored by the majority, rather than listen to his advisors and move elsewhere. A great voice was forever silenced when he stubbornly drank the hemlock.

ENTJ – LIE/ENTj (Type 8, Type 3, Type 6)
When healthy, ENTJs are leaders, achievers, or traditionalists who are unafraid to think outside the box. Under stress, in short, OCD takes over the ENTJ. Type 8 leaders become obsessed with studying and learning, Type 3 achievers become sycophants obsessed with keeping the peace at all costs, and Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic.
Solution: This really depends on how severe the OCD becomes for the ENTJ. There is nothing wrong with a few cleaning binges, but OCD encompasses quite a bit more than that. Anorexia nervosa can be a lifelong struggle with fatal consequences. So can cocaine addiction. I personally know ENTJs who struggle with each of those issues. Even simple OCD can interfere with everyday life when it gets to a certain level. ENTJs do have a good sense of when it is time to seek professional help for these things. In the mean time, exercise and music (whether playing an instrument or just dancing to your favorite tunes) are great stress reducers.

ENTJ stressor

Melvin Udall
OCD much? Check. (Love the gloves!) Creative? Check. Verbally abusive? Check. One could make a good argument for Melvin Udall being an ENTJ. I do hate self-disclosure, but I have been known to wash my hands with antibacterial soap after handling the Cheagle. More than once.

Now you’re probably curious what a Cheagle is. You’re welcome.

INTP – LII/INTj (Type 5)
When healthy, you are the intellectuals and consultants called upon to provide expertise for others. Under stress, your creativity falters and you suffer from writer’s block, stage fright, or other types of lack of confidence of that nature. You become hedonistic as your confidence plummets, perhaps binge-eating or binge-drinking.
Solution: Maybe a “stay-cation” is warranted to recharge your batteries. See if you can get a few days off work just to stay home alone and read or play video games or do whatever you want. Albert Einstein periodically had his doctor give him notes to take time off from school for “nervous rest” so he could recharge… and look at what he was able to accomplish.

INTP stressors

Albert Einstein sometimes took mental health breaks from school to keep his creativity fresh.

INTJ – ILI/INTp (Type 5, Type 6)
When you are healthy, you are the intellectuals and traditionalists who work behind the scenes to run the machinery of society. Under stress, you are prone to anxiety attacks. Type 5 intellectuals are prone to drinking binges and Type 6 traditionalists can become very materialistic. INTJs are also particularly prone to Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild type of autism.
Solution: Obviously, Asperger’s Syndrome is far too complicated to discuss in a blog and requires extensive, long-term professional care. Highly introverted INTJs need a lot of alone time to read and play video games. Soft, furry animals like cats have often proven helpful in reducing the stress that triggers anxiety attacks, and adopting one from a local shelter can save the creature from a great tragedy. As is the case with ESFPs, self-care only goes so far – rehab is in order if the substance abuse gets out of hand.

INTJ stressors

INTJ Martin Luther
INTJ Martin Luther suffering an anxiety attack during fervent prayer. (Luther, 2003)

NF – The Idealists

ENFP – IEE/ENFp (Type 7, Type 4, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the adventurers, the individualists, and the helpers in society. You are unafraid to express your creative and yet pragmatic self in your own unique way. Under stress, a surreal feeling takes over and ENFPs tend to become somewhat paranoid. Type 7 adventurers become crusaders over particular causes. Type 4 individualists become obsessed with helping others. Helpful Type 2s become dictatorial and controlling.
Solution: You should seek professional help if you feel like you are losing your grip on reality, your sudden controlling behavior is giving you violent tendencies, or if you feel like you might be a danger to yourself. Like ENTJs, most ENFPs seem to know when it is time to check into rehab, if that is in order. There are ways of coping with ADHD that do not necessarily involve medication if you are determined (breaking up study sessions, regimenting where you put things, drinking coffee, etc.). You have a good handle on logic, so use it to manage your own mental health.

ENFP stressors

Paranoid ENFP
The Daily Mail UK reported that ENFP Robin Williams was extremely paranoid before he committed suicide. This is a classic sign of extreme stress among ENFPs.

INFP – EII/INFj (Type 4, Type 5, Type 9, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the unique individualists, the intellectuals, the peacemakers, and the helpers in society. Combined with your rich inner dream world, you can create beautiful literature and bring spiritual healing to many. Under stress, you can become catatonic and your language becomes too ethereal and symbolic for others to follow and you fall into a downward spiral of complete isolation. Individualistic Type 4s become chronic helpers, intellectual Type 5s become extreme hedonists, often engaging in addictive behavior like gambling, alcoholism, sexual thrill-seeking and gluttony, Type 9 peacemakers become staunch reactionaries and espouse controversial groups like the neo-Nazis on one end or Femen on the other, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: Please seek professional help immediately. INFPs have a higher risk for suicide and suicide attempts than other personality types. Not all INFPs are suicidal, but it would be better for a professional to make that determination on an individual basis.

INFP stressors

INFP pole dancer
Stressed INFPs often engage in sexual thrill-seeking, including working in jobs in the sex industry.

ENFJ – EIE/ENFj (Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the highly empathic helpers in society, willing to share of yourselves and make the world a better place. Under stress, you fall prey to psychosomatic illness that manifests itself with very real symptoms, then become very angry and controlling of others.
Solution: Sometimes when you give so much of yourself, you can lose your own persona in the process. You might benefit from a reality check through some talk therapy with a professional, especially if you have been through a lot of trauma as a child.

Stressed ENFJ

Bad mother
ENFJ Vivi Walker was rather demonized after the movie version of Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood was released. She was a very flawed and traumatized human being, just as most people, and of course parents, are. Daydreaming and engaging your Ni will not land you in a mental institution for six months, but beating your kids half to death might. If you were traumatized in the past, make sure to deal with your PTSD so that you can stay present with your family and not snap like Vivi.

INFJ – IEI/INFp (Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the individualists, the intellectuals, the traditionalists, and the helpers in society. You seek out injustice and expose it. Under stress, you suffer from dissociation. Type 4 individualists become overly helpful. Type 5 intellectuals indulge in substance abuse and other hedonistic pleasures. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling (the infamous “INFJ rage”).
Solution: Try relaxing and making sure that your environment reflects the peace that you crave. Seek out a therapist or life coach that is congruent with your values and belief system. Indulge your hobbies like music, whether playing an instrument or singing. Volunteer work can also help you feel like you are making a difference in people’s lives.

INFJ stressors

Type 2 INFJ
Here is a classic example of a Type 2 Helper INFJ under stress. First she seems to dissociate as the Khals discuss gang raping her, then she snaps back and takes complete control of the situation. She is the Daenerys the Unburnt. From GoT.


Additional Credits Not Already Mentioned:



What’s the Verdict on Horoscopes?

Carl Jung, the founder of Cognitive Psychology, was an ardent believer in Astrology. He drew up detailed star charts on his patients and  considered them equally valid with his files on their Feeling functions, Extraverted and Introverted Thinking functions, Intuitive and Sensing functions, and so on and so forth. So is there anything to Astrology?

What's Your Sign?

To understand whether there is anything to it, first you have to understand what it is. I’m not talking about things like

How did they know?
How did they know?

I’m talking about the real star charts that tell you your Sun Sign, your Moon Sign, and your Ascending Sign, along with all those other houses and Pluto nodes and stuff.

Star Chart
Sample Star Chart

For the sample, I plugged in January 1, 1882 at 5:00 PM in New Orleans, Louisiana for the birth time. This was the result I got:

Name: King Cake
January 1 1882
5:00 PM Time Zone is LMT
New Orleans, LA

Rising Sign is in 09 Degrees Cancer
Very sensitive by nature, you prefer to be in your own familiar surroundings. Cautious and conservative, you make changes in your life only very slowly, if at all. You do not open up easily to strangers. Friendships are made for life, however — once given, your trust is forever. Your mother, your home as a child and your early family life in general are very important to you. You are also very sentimental. When you feel self- confident, you are gentle, giving and protective of the needs of others. But when you feel insecure or threatened, you become overly sensitive to criticism, shy, withdrawn and moody. You have a strong need for security — in the sense that you are being loved, nourished and protected.

Sun is in 11 Degrees Capricorn.
Extremely serious and mature, you are capable of accepting responsibilities and do so willingly. Others expect you to be dutiful as a matter of course. You tend to get angry when people get rewards after not having worked anywhere near as hard as you. You are goal-oriented and an achiever by nature — you’re a hard worker and are justifiably proud of the tangible results of your efforts. You tend to have “tunnel-vision” — this allows you to block out extraneous matters that might distract others and to concentrate totally on the matter at hand. As such, you are the ideal one to manage or administrate any ongoing project and to be practical and efficient at it. You are not a fast worker, but you are quite thorough. You are known for being totally persistent, tenacious and tireless in reaching your goals.

Moon is in 13 Degrees Gemini.
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment — your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression – – you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen.

… (a lot of gobbledygook about planets in various houses)…

Pluto is in 27 Degrees Taurus.
For your entire generation, this is a period of smug acceptance of commonplace values. Fashions are opulent and elaborate and simplicity is virtually unknown. Beauty is defined as the large, the comfortable and the well-stuffed.

N. Node is in 08 Degrees Sagittarius.
You will probably have many different contacts and acquaintances throughout your life. You’re quite gregarious by nature and your natural curiosity about others lets you take the lead in forming new relationships. You’ll form close ties with those who have similarly idealistic ideas — especially those who can stimulate you intellectually in your chosen field of interest. Your enthusiasm for learning new things may also cause you to do quite a bit of traveling. Because you probably will have many wide-ranging interests and concerns, you most likely will have contacts and connections in various parts of the country (or world).

That is a star chart.

So we can see that according to this reading, King Cake was probably a slow, stubborn worker, who became more and more sensitive as he grew older. Family life in general became extremely important to King Cake. In other words, King Cake was probably an ISFJ. A Gemini Moon, he viewed his mother as being capable of rapid mood changes. (The retrospective generational description is rather amusing.)

Is there anything to it?

There is something to Sun Signs. Scientific studies have shown a correlation between the season of birth and incidence of certain types of mental illness. Babies born during winter months (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius) are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia. Babies born during summer months (Gemini, Cancer, Leo) are more likely to suffer from depressive disorders. ( )

Ascending Signs have held a fascination for me. In ancient times, before clocks were invented, they were a way of recording the time and exact geo-location of birth. My hypothesis was that there may have been a correlation between time and/or geo-location of birth and some influence (geomagnetism, geotropism, proximity to the Van Allen belts, or some other influential factor) during a crucial point at the infant’s birth that might have affected the newborn’s brain development and influenced the personality development.

The way to test this hypothesis was by using the Scientific Method.

Scientific Method
The Scientific Method

The specific experiment I decided to run involved the Rising Sign of Gemini among a small sample of people with the ENTJ personality type.

According to Cafe Astrology, those with Gemini Rising have the following traits:
“Gemini is mostly interested in moving about in their social circles.These are people who love to ask questions, to move around freely, and to mingle. Definitely restless and often quick in physical expression, natives of the Gemini Ascendant exude an air of impatience even if they don’t mean it. In fact, there is a cleverness to Gemini Ascendants that can intimidate some, especially sensitive folk. Their facility with words can be a wonderful asset, although sometimes Gemini rising individuals identify too much with their mental agility and forget, in their personal interactions and communications, to nurture the people around them. A certain lack of warmth in presentation can be the result, and although this style is generally a facade, it is not immediately apparent to most. People with, for example, predominant Water signs may feel a little ill at ease with Gemini rising people (that is, before they get to know them more personally), while strong Air types more fully appreciate the fun and cleverness of these individuals.”

Compare this with Wikipedia’s description of the ENTJ:
“ENTJs focus on the most efficient and organized means of performing a task. This quality, along with their goal orientation, often makes ENTJs superior leaders, both realistic and visionary in implementing a long-term plan. ENTJs tend to be fiercely independent in their decision making, having a strong will that insulates them against external influence. Generally highly competent, ENTJs analyze and structure the world around them in a logical and rational way. Due to this straightforward way of thinking, ENTJs tend to have the greatest difficulty of all the types in applying subjective considerations and emotional values into the decision-making process. ENTJs often excel in business and other areas that require systems analysis, original thinking, and an economically savvy mind. They are dynamic and pragmatic problem solvers. They tend to have a high degree of confidence in their own abilities, making them assertive and outspoken. In their dealings with others, they are generally outgoing, charismatic, fair-minded, and unaffected by conflict or criticism. However, these qualities can make ENTJs appear arrogant, insensitive, and confrontational. They can overwhelm others with their energy and desire to order the world according to their own vision. As a result, they may seem intimidating, hasty, and controlling.”

According to both descriptions, it would seem reasonable that Gemini Risings would be overrepresented among those with the ENTJ personality type. I conducted a poll among a sample of 22 ENTJs with the following results:

4 Gemini Risings
4 Leo Risings
3 Cancer Risings
3 Scorpio Risings
2 Virgo Risings
2 Sagittarius Risings
1 Pisces Rising
1 Aquarius Rising
1 Libra Rising
1 Capricorn Rising

Of the sample surveyed, Gemini Rising comprised 18% of the sample tested, rather than the statistical 4.5% average. In fact, Gemini Rising, Leo Rising and Scorpio Rising, just three of the twelve types, comprised 50% of the respondents.

Nonetheless, although higher than average, the amount was still statistically small and the responses were quite varied and spread out across the Zodiac. There did not seem to be any statistically significant correlation between the Ascendant Zodiac Sign and MBTI Type.

Conclusion: Most likely a Pseudoscience.

Sorry Carly
Sorry Carly, you were off the mark on this one.

War is for Sensors, Peacetime is for Intuitives, Part Two

So in the previous blog, I analyzed a wartime drama to demonstrate the difference in how Sensors and Intuitives behave during wartime and peace. There are larger ramifications to this difference, especially with the upcoming elections, specifically in the United States. (I am focusing on those because I live in the USA and am most familiar with the candidates for President in the USA.)

Most of the candidates running for United States President in 2016 are ENTJs on the MBTI typing scale; however, realistically, they are not viable candidates and will probably drop out of the race soon. I will focus my discussion on the five frontrunners:

2016 USA Presidential Frontrunners
2016 USA Presidential Frontrunners – I tried to pick flattering photos of each!

As a full disclosure on this blog, I have signed up to volunteer with one of the campaigns.

However, I will not endorse any particular candidate on this blog and will attempt to explain why certain candidates are better under the general future trends for the United States than others, based on their personality types. As you can see, there are duplicates on several political stances, so there is actually some variety among the frontrunners based on personality as well as political stance.

To reiterate, one candidate is a far left intuitive, one candidate is an intuitive centrist, one candidate is a centrist sensor, on candidate is an intuitive conservative, and one is a conservative sensor. Unless your political preference is on the far left, you have duplication based on whether the candidate is a sensor or an intuitive.

Briefly, when has the United States been at war? Numerous times, but the major wars have been:
The Revolutionary War: Commander in Chief: George Washington – ISTJ
The War of 1812: Commander in Chief: James Madison – INTP
The Mexican War: Commander in Chief: James Knox Polk – INTJ
The Civil War: Commander in Chief: Abraham Lincoln – INTP
The Spanish American War: Commander in Chief: William McKinley – ESFJ
World War One: Commander in Chief: Woodrow Wilson – INTJ
The Spanish Civil War: Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt – ESTP
World War Two: Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt – ESTP, Harry S Truman – ISFJ
The Korean War: Commander in Chief: Harry S Truman – ISFJ
The Vietnam War: Commander in Chief: Lyndon Baines Johnson – ESTP, Richard Milhouse Nixon – INTJ
The Gulf War: Commander in Chief: George Herbert Walker Bush – ISFJ
Operation Enduring Freedom: Commander in Chief: George Walker Bush – ESTP, Barack Obama – ENTP

Each time America has been through a war, it has emerged victorious. However, sometimes it has gone through horrendous economic times immediately afterwards. Sometimes it has gone through periods of dynamic economic growth. I believe much of this has had to do with the type of leadership in the White House immediately after the war ended. Presidents set the economic style and policy for the nation by appointing Federal Reserve officers, Treasury Chairmen, and deciding how to deal with Congress when budgets are presented to them.

The Buck Stops Here
The Buck Stops Here

The period after the Revolutionary War was a period of terrible poverty and economic instability for the new United States under Sensor George Washington.

The period following the War of 1812 saw an economic boom in the United States, especially after the completion of the Erie Canal Project, which led to the explosion of growth in New York City. That was when Intuitive James Madison was in office.

During the period following the Mexican War, ISTP Zachary Taylor’s shortsighted policies led to short-term gold rushes and economic booms in the economy, but long-term economic instability and inequality that led to the civil war and the growth of huge tenements in urban areas. Few people benefited from the technological advances in telegraphy and railroads that were widely touted in the early 1850s.

Likewise, the period following the Civil War was a period of horrific poverty in the South for decades under the leadership of Sensor presidents like ISTJ Andrew Johnson and ISFP Ulysses Grant and even Benjamin Harrison (ISTJ) and Grover Cleveland (ESTJ).

Let’s fast-forward to the Roaring Twenties. Woodrow Wilson (INTJ) led the nation into an economic boom after World War One. There were a few rough bumps under Warren Harding’s (ISFP) scandal-ridden administration, but the party continued under Silent Cal (Calvin Coolidge – INFJ) through 1929.

Contrast this with the debacle that followed World War Two’s economic boom. ISFJ Harry S Truman nearly lost his reelection bid after a spectacular victory against Japan because of his phenomenal bungling of the economy on the homefront and horrific housing shortages for returning veterans and their brides.

That was close!
That was close!

Does this sound familiar? Kind of like ISFJ George H.W. Bush’s landslide loss in 1992 immediately after his spectacular victory in the Gulf War only a year earlier?

Deja vu
Deja vu – It’s the ECONOMY stupid!

Almost immediately after Bush left office, Intuitive Bill Clinton led the economy into a boom cycle that lasted the duration of his presidency.

Let’s talk about Vietnam. Vietnam was a very unpopular war, but a lot of people became quite prosperous from that war.

The Graduate
The Graduate, 1968

Richard Nixon, to his credit, fulfilled his promise to the American people to withdraw American forces from that war. Sadly, his unscrupulous campaign tactics will be his enduring legacy and he left office under a cloud of suspicion and disgrace and an appointed Senate Whip was left to complete his term after his elected Vice President had already been removed from office before he was.

Gerald Ford was an ESFJ, and his successor, Jimmy Carter was an ISFJ. Both Presidents were Sensors and lacked the long-term vision necessary to set long-term goals for the economy. The country started a downward spiral of double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment following the withdrawal from the Vietnam War. This was called malaise.


The Malaise drew to a close when ENFP Ronald Reagan was elected to office and the Reagan Era began.

Of course, not since 1929 has any President mismanaged the economy as badly as ESTP George Walker Bush did as Operation Enduring Freedom died down in 2007. To say that the economic meltdown was caused by war is a hideously gross oversimplification; however, the burgeoning domestic problems, especially the real estate market, needed to be addressed, while he was busy playing Generalissimo at a war that had really been won by 2004. Multiple unaddressed, neglected factors led to the epic economic meltdown in 2008. This is a direct result of having a President with no vision of the future in office.

Economic forecasters state we’re at the beginning of a thirteen year bull cycle in the stock market, which is expected to peak in the mid 2020s. Bin Ladin was neutralized in the Middle East in 2011. Most of the American troops were cleared out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Unemployment is at record lows not seen since the 1960s. President Obama is leaving a nice situation for his successor. Um… then again, so did Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1945. That is no guarantee for success. We, as a voting public, still have a responsibility to make a wise choice in leaders.

There is a clear pattern in history. After wars, Intuitive Presidents make better decisions in managing the economy than Sensor Presidents do.

We have three frontrunner candidates who are Intuitive personality types, and, fortunately for the public, they span the range of political views. There is someone for everyone, whether you are a Socialist, a Centrist, or a Far Right Conservative.

Intuitive Candidates

They  would probably be better equipped psychologically for the economic challenges that lie in the future over the next nine years than the other two frontrunners.


The Game of Thrones and MBTI – Everything You’ve Read is Wrong

Westeros and the Free Cities

Well, not everything. I just wanted to get your attention. But I think a lot of those sites have mistyped a lot of the major characters. Oh, everyone knows  Daenerys Targaryen is an INFJ and  Jaime Lannister is an ESTP. Those are no-brainers. Let’s really dissect the other characters, though, and find out which ones you might actually relate to. No one seems to agree on  Arya Stark’s MBTI type, for example. Enough chit-chat. Let’s get started.

I have revamped this particular page so that all the video links open in new tabs, making it much faster loading. 

Since it’s been a little over a year since I did this blog, I realize I made a few errors in typing, especially now that I started reading the books. The biggest changes I made were to Sansa and Ned Stark and Davos Seaworth. You will see some other changes as well. The changes are in red font.

The Guardians: SJ


ISFJs are detail-oriented introverts who focus on the feelings of others and their need for comfort, being comfortable around the people in their lives and having comfortable surroundings. Since introverted thinking is their third function, they have a good sense of finance and can be quite savvy with their money. They tend to be very family-oriented and very, very devout and religious.

Grey Worm

Grey Worm, the Protector

Tommen Baratheon (Lannister)

Tommen the Family Man

Brienne of Tarth

Brienne, the Protector

Brienne the would-be wife of Renly


ESFJs are extroverts who enjoy a wide circle of acquaintances. They prefer details over the big picture, and focus on immediate realities rather than future possibilities. They like to plan activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through predictability. ESFJs are sometimes blindsided by those they trust because of their tendency to eschew logic in favor of social considerations.

Jon Snow

Upholding the Tradition of the Stark Family

Catelyn Stark*
(*Catelyn is an ENFP in the books.)

Catelyn, guardian of the feelings of her Family

Myrcella Baratheon (Lannister)

Mycella is concerned about her Father/Uncle’s feelings

Benjen Stark

“Is it dead yet?” Benjen greets Jon at the feast


ISTJs value logic and tradition and enjoy keeping their environments highly organized and well-regulated. They are very sensible, reserved and serious individuals. ISTJs are reliable, detail-oriented individuals and can often be found in military, accounting and medical careers. It should come as no surprise that many of the military characters in Game of Thrones are ISTJs. A hidden side of these souls is their fondness for cuisine and cooking.

Jorah Mormont

Jorah, the soldier

Talisa Maegyr-Stark

Talisa, the Perfect ISTJ – a Doctor with a Photographic Memory

Maester Luwin
(*Maester Luwin could be an INTP in the books)

Maester Luwin settles the books

Hot Pie

Detail-oriented Gourmet

Lyanna “The Little Bear” Mormont
The diminutive master of propaganda and inspirational speeches, this pipsqueak promises to be a powerhouse in the next two seasons, if she isn’t killed off like Margaery Tyrell mid-character-arc, like so many GoT characters are.

The Little Bear’s Speech


ESTJs are pragmatic organizers with a head for business and mechanics. They believe in maintaining society’s rules and the status quo and are quick to communicate their expectations to others. They have a tendency, however, to dismiss the feelings of others, although they are fiercely protective of those close to them.

Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

Petyr Baelish is a very special type of ESTJ, which is why so many people think he is an ENTJ or INTJ. He is not. He is an ESTJ with very highly developed Ne, an oddly typed Te-Ne-Si-Fi ESTJ. Such ESTJs will focus on traditional goals (symbols of power, like the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones, rather than focusing on “breaking the wheel” like Daenerys or defeating the Wights like Jon Snow or destroying all their enemies like Cersei) and wanting someone by their side to do so, rather than focusing on consolidating power in a more advantageous union for the generations, like the Martells and Targaryens did for generations.

Littlefinger: “Will this action help to make that picture a reality?”

Stannis Baratheon

By Right of Succession

Rob Stark

A good military leader

Khal Drogo

The unbeaten Dothraki

Oberyn Martell

The Red Viper

Yara /Asha Greyjoy

Queen of the pirates

Ser Barristan Selmy

Unparalleled swordsmanship

The Artisans: SP


ISFPs have a live-and-let-live approach to the world around them. They tend to be very sensitive to their environments and crave a sense of independence in their lives. They have a deep sense of personal values and often enjoy being in touch with nature.

Davos Seaworth

A man of righteous anger

Ned Stark

Beneath the Weir-wood Tree

Theon Greyjoy*
(*Theon is an ESFP in the books.)

What is dead may never die

Lancel Lannister

Peace in the Light of the Seven




ESFPs enjoy living in the moment. They tend to be creative and enjoy new experiences and having fun. They are often emotionally moved by theatrical or musical performances. They prefer to have harmonious relationships with the people around them. ESFP children can be very physically gifted.

Salladhor Saan

Bawdy humor

Ellaria Sand

Ellaria Sand, Sensing and Feeling Deeply

Lyanna Stark

Lyanna Stark, Equestrienne and Wolf-child

Joffrey Baratheon (Lannister)



Ahh, the ISTP. ISTPs are usually quiet, but known to be masters of the one-liner and humor. As introverts, they prefer to hang around a few close friends and stick with their “pack”. They are good at tinkering and excel at analyzing mechanical systems, which is why they make great engineers and craftsmen or craftswomen, and, surprisingly, pharmacists. ISTPs are wizards at economizing time and resources. They enjoy exploring new things, and can become bored with repetitiveness and routine and are highly adaptable, making them open to new information and approaches. ISTPs are known to pursue hobbies that involve taking risks and are notorious daredevils. In summary, the ISTP loves to cheat Death.

Arya Stark

Her pack

Maybe not the neatest housekeeper

Defying death


The blacksmith

Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane / Robert Strong

“Gregor is a quiet man, too.”

Tyene Sand

The pharmacist


ESTPs are famous for being extremely outgoing, impulsive, and being a little on the outrageous and flashy side. They can be very athletic and competitive, as well as charming and action-oriented.

Jaime Lannister

“The things I do for love.”

Olenna Tyrell

Queen of Thorns

Robert Baratheon

Robert wants booze


Shae lies in court out of revenge against Tyrion

Roose Bolton

Roose discusses raping Ramsey’s mother

The Rationals: NT


INTJs tend to be highly creative, highly logical loners who will step up to leadership positions if the current leadership is viewed as weak or lacking in ability. They are not quick to automatically accept authority figures based on the status quo. They prefer to lead behind the scenes.

Tywin Lannister

Tywin advises Tommen


Melisandre predicts Arya’s future

Ramsay Snow/Bolton

Ramsay’s master plan of torture pays off


ENTJs focus on the most efficient and organized means of performing a task and are seen as superior leaders as well as visionaries. ENTJs tend to be fiercely independent in their decision making, having a strong will that insulates them against external influence. ENTJs value logic over emotions in the decision-making process, and are known to be highly analytical problem-solvers. ENTJs are outgoing, self-confident, assertive and outspoken. However, an ENTJ can also come across as arrogant, insensitive and confrontational, as well as overwhelming , controlling and intimidating. ENTJs tend to cultivate their personal power, whether for political or financial gain, or for sexual gratification. They often end up taking charge of a situation that seems (to their mind, at least) to be out of control, or that can otherwise be improved upon and strengthened. They strive to learn new things. However, since ENTJs rely on provable facts, they may find subjective issues pointless. ENTJs appear to take a tough approach to emotional or personal issues, and so can be viewed as aloof.

Cersei Lannister

“When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.”

Mance Rayder (Most likely Ser Arthur Dayne)

Delegating by specialty

Viserys Targaryen

“How do we go home? We go home with an army.”

Loras Tyrell

Loras always beats Jaime, whether in a tourney or a debate


Bronn’s Master Plan


INTPs are highly introverted individuals who enjoy studying for the sake of acquiring knowledge and logic.  INTPs have little regard for titles and badges, which they often consider to be unnecessary or unjustified. INTPs usually come to distrust authority as hindering the uptake of novel ideas and the search for knowledge. INTPs accept ideas based on merit, rather than tradition or authority. They have little patience for social customs that seem illogical or that obstruct the pursuit of ideas and knowledge.

Lord Varys

Hater of magic

Maester Aemon

A Targaryen, alone in the world

Samwell Tarly

Samwell, the intellectual


ENTPs are quick to see complex interrelationships between people, things, and ideas. They tend to have a rapier wit and love to play the devil’s advocate in order to get a lively debate going. They are skilled problem-solvers and very flexible and innovative in their approach to making changes. Their high linguistic skills make them excellent interpreters.

Tyrion Lannister*
(*Tyrion is an ENTJ in the books.)

The wit of Tyrion Lannister


The worst joke ever

Daario Naharis

(WARNING: contains nudity) Daario debates Daenerys to keep the fighting pits open

The Idealists: NF


INFJs are very private, intuition-driven empathic individuals. They are complex and mysterious and very goal-oriented. They can be very creative and perfectionist. INFJs are the leaders in driving change in society when they see injustice. It is the most rare of all the personality types.

Daenerys Targaryen

“Valerian is my mother-tongue.”

Jaqen H’ghar (The Faceless Man)

The House of Black and White

The High Sparrow

The High Sparrow

Sandor “The Hound” Clegane

Not all INFJs are religious mystics. Sometimes they can be found in the crowd, defending the bullied kid on the playground, mouthing off about some cause no one else seems to give much thought, but they are there, always seeing, always caring. The Hound is guided by his deep sense of intuition and his extraverted feeling when he protects Loras Tyrell from his brother and later decides to protect and teach Arya Stark long after the promise of a bounty has evaporated.

Update: This has been confirmed by the Gravedigger episode. I won’t go into too many details on that in order to avoid giving spoilers.

True Knight – Brutally Introspective

The Broken Man

The Hound shows concern for Arya’s growth


ENFJs excel at absorbing and sharing the values of those around them and those of the community at large. They are extraverts and are therefore naturally energized by being around others quite a bit. They value such things as justice, logic and scholarly debate if their community values those things because social norms are so important to them. They are natural empaths and teachers as well as excellent propagandists. ENFJs excel at public speaking and musical performance.

Sansa Stark

Sansa and Margaery bonding

Margaery Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell, Queen of Hearts


Rhaegar Targaryen

The Musician

Syrio Forel

The Water Dance


INFPs are creative introverts driven by a strong sense of inner morality. They are often very sensitive to criticism and retreat to an inner world of dreams in order to foster that creativity and intense feeling.

Bran Stark

In case you didn’t figure it out, Bran Stark is George R. R. Martin. There, I laid it out on the table for everyone. Bran is the All-Powerful dreamer who can change anything in the story, just like…


The Three-Eyed Raven

Brynden Rivers / The Old Three-Eyed Raven / Bloodraven

Fan Video explaining the back story behind the Three-Eyed Raven

Jojen Reed

Weir-wood tree visions

Shireen Baratheon

Shireen the bookworm


Pyp’s story


ENFPs are mildly extraverted empaths who enjoy anticipating the needs of others and helping them. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in fluid situations that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They are very spontaneous individuals and can become frustrated in a routine. ENFPs can be ruthless when the occasion calls for it, however.

Renly Baratheon

Holding court

Lysa Tully-Arryn

(WARNING: really disturbing breastfeeding scene) Unhealthy, Paranoid and Angry

Meera Reed



Osha’s intuition kicks in as she talks about Wights

So next time you decide to make a chart from the Game of Thrones, you have a list of just about all the major characters. Let me know if you think I’ve typed them correctly, or if you think some of them should be in other groups and why.


So I have been listening to your feedback on Facebook and have decided to change The Hound‘s typing based on some things that were pointed out to me. I remain unconvinced that he is an ISTP, but I will explain why I have moved him to his new category with some of the video links that were sent to me on Facebook. Special thanks to the person who sent me the original link!


Ditto regarding Joffrey Baratheon and Lyanna Mormont.



What is Your True MBTI Type?

The internet is loaded with online quizzes of dubious quality that will help you learn your MBTI type. This golden status of four letters will allegedly hold the key to determine why you are being held back in your career, show you the perfect job you should pursue, find the perfect love match in your life, and even show you how to raise your children in the most functional way possible.

The problem is, these quizzes are… well… crappy and most people are mistyped. The general solution offered is to have a licensed MBTI professional type you and then you will be able to have an accurate assessment of your true type and find your perfect job and the love of your life and raise happy children, yada yada yada… EXCEPT… those people want money, which, frankly, no one wants to shell out, and they might not be any more accurate than the online quiz, especially if they are using the same crappy online quizzes we are using.

The most popular (and worst, in my opinion) are Humanetrics and 16personalities because everyone thinks they are so wonderful. There are others that are even worse, but most people give them no credence, so their damage is limited.

To take the test, you need to understand what you are  taking, where it came from, who designed it, why you are answering the various questions, how it works, and when to use which parts of the various sections of the score sheets.

Carl Jung came up with the concepts of Cognitive Functions and divided the personality types into four major types, and 16 specific types. They are:
SJ – The Guardians – ESFJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ
SP – The Artisans – ESFP, ISFP, ESTP, ISTP
NT – The Rationals – ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP
NF – The Idealists – ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP

In the United States, ISFJ is the most common type among females (about 20%) and ISTJ is the common type among males (about 14%). INFJ is the rarest type among males (1%) and INTJ is the rarest type among females (0.8%).

Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator in the 1950s. It is a 50 question test that measures one’s cognitive functions based on responses to multiple choice questions.

The problem, however, is that most people just add up the scores and accept the result at face value, and that is not how typing works. Your personality type is based on your cognitive functions, and to find that, you need to find your cognitive stacking. See the illustration taken from below:


Specifically, the order of the stacking is as follows:
ESFJ = Fe-Si-Ne-Ti
ISFJ = Si-Fe-Ti-Ne
ISTJ = Si-Te-Fi-Ne 
ESTJ = Te-Si-Ne-Fi
ESFP = Se-Fi-Te-Ni
ISFP = Fi-Se-Ni-Te
ISTP = Ti-Se-Ni-Fe 
ESTP = Se-Ti-Fe-Ni
INTP = Ti-Ne-Si-Fe
ENTP = Ne-Ti-Fe-Si 
INTJ = Ni-Te-Fi-Se
ENTJ = Te-Ni-Se-Fi
INFJ = Ni-Fe-Ti-Se
ENFJ = Fe-Ni-Se-Ti
INFP = Fi-Ne-Si-Te
ENFP = Ne-Fi-Te-Si

So next, you need to find out what your stacking is. You can do this from looking at your answer sheet on the original Myers Briggs test. If you take the test linked above, tabulate only the points so you get a sheet that looks like this:


Of course your original sheet will probably have a lot of answers circled above the totals.

Now completely ignore the E and I columns on the left and box the S&N, the T&F, and the J&P. You will need to add the totals of each pairs for some calculating. The next step will get a little complicated, so don’t jump ahead.


Now you need to calculate the percentages of each column in each red box. You will need a calculator or the calculator app on your computer for this. Go ahead and fill in the last three boxes with the letters of the highest scores once you calculate the totals.


Now take the first four letters, S, N, T and F, and arrange them in order of how high the percentages are. In the example I gave, T has 100% and F has 0%, so T would be the highest letter and F would be the fourth letter. The example is an NTJ, so you can look up the cognitive functions and see that the cognitive functions for an INTJ or ENTJ would either be
Ni-Te-Fi-Se = INTJ or Te-Ni-Se-Fi = ENTJ

The example above has Te=100%, Ni=79%, Se=21%, Fi=0%, and therefore is an ENTJ. We therefore know the example is an ENTJ without checking the E/I scores which are almost exactly in the middle.

It is very important to be able to do this because certain types like INFJ, ENFP and ENTJ often score very close to the middle on Extraversion/Introversion, and frequently mistype as their extraverted or introverted counterparts.


This is why it is more important to use the cognitive functions as a way to calculate your MBTI type instead of just going by your actual numerical score, which might fluctuate if you aren’t feeling well when you take the test, or if you have had a recent life trauma, like a robbery, for example. The person in the first video is an ENTJ, and, without knowing too much about the second person, I would guess that she is an ENFP.


Good luck and let me know if this makes more sense with your personality type than previous tests!