Are You Actually “Crazy” or Just Stressed?

Under Pressure

I apologize in advance if the title offends you – it does seem to make light of a very serious topic. However, in a world where potentially damaging psychiatric medication is promoted on television like Sarah Lee pastries (no endorsement payment for the mention) and your nearest fast food franchise, who is actually making light of the topic? I am going to challenge you to take a proactive Jungian approach to your mental health and tailor it to your individual personality type, rather than blindly ask for antidepressants because you saw an advertisement that said they would make you happy again. You might need to do some introspection, you might need to engage in some hobbies, you might need to hire a therapist for talk therapy, and that therapist might suggest a psychiatrist to prescribe medication. You should follow your therapist’s advice if they deem this appropriate. However, some “crazy” behavior is in the range of normal for each personality type.

Please seek professional help immediately if you feel you are a danger to yourself or others.

If your problems are not listed under your personality type (and you know you are not mistyped), definitely seek professional treatment. This is a clear indicator that you have organic psychiatric issues or a chemical imbalance.

It will be helpful if you know your Enneagram Type, as each Personality Type has subtle shades within it that differ according to Enneagram Type. The only types that are almost universally one type are ENFJ (Type 2) and INTP (Type 5). Of course there are always exceptions to every rule, but for the sake of expedience, I will address the most common types in this blog.

Here is a chart listing the most common Enneagram types for each Personality type:


If you have not yet taken the Enneagram test, you can learn about it and take it here.

So Let’s Begin, Shall We?
What Is Each Type Like Under Stress?

SJ – The Guardians

ESFJ – ESE/ESFj (Type 2, Type 6)
When healthy, you are the helpers and traditionalists, usually the popular kids in school, adults who love having get-togethers. A strict schedule gives you a sense of control over time. Under stress, ESFJs become filled with regret and melancholy about what might have been. Type 2 helpers become very controlling and Type 6 traditionalists become greedy and materialistic.
Solution: No one wants to be around a sentimental bore. Try throwing your energy into arts and crafts to make your next get-together even more spectacular, so you have new memories to look back on.

ESFJ stressors

ESFJ Wicked Stepmother
Snow White’s stepmother probably married for money and regretted it later in life – a classic stressed ESFJ scenario

ISFJ – SEI/ISFp (Type 2, Type 6, Type 9)
When healthy, you are the helpers, traditionalists and peacemakers, keeping things organized behind the scenes. You are prone to anxiety attacks. Type 2 helpers become very controlling. Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic. Type 9 peacemakers become hardline traditionalists.
Solution: Small pets can do wonders for helping with anxiety if you aren’t prone to allergies. Consider a Sphynx cat or Yorkie or poodle if you do have allergy issues. If you are concerned about claws or if the anxiety attacks are frequent and debilitating, you may want to consider enlisting the aid of a therapist. There is no shame in that.

ISFJ stressors

ISFJ anxiety attack
ISFJ Mallory Keaton has an anxiety attack at Princeton on Family Ties episode “Go Tigers!” after seeing her boyfriend cheating

ISTJ – SLI/ISTp (Type 6, Type 5, Type 1)
When healthy, you are the traditionalists, the scholars, and even the crusaders for change in society. When stressed, you suffer from lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and become irritable about the state of society. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic, Type 5 intellectuals become hedonists, and Type 1 reformers become lost in themselves and retreat to an inner world of daydreams and eccentricity.
Solution: Clearly a change in environment is called for so that you have more control over your surroundings. You probably love to cook, or if you haven’t tried it yet, will find that you do, so check your local community college or culinary school for classes. Beyond that, the manifestation of your stress symptoms is dangerous, so professional help is obviously warranted. If you are a veteran (many ISTJs are), you can probably obtain help through the V.A.

ISTJ stressors

ISTJ meme
I pulled this meme straight off my favorite stressed ISTJ’s Facebook page this morning. When you are irritable, you probably flood Facebook or other social media with these kinds of memes.

ESTJ – LSE/ESTj (Type 3, Type 6, Type 1, Type 8)
When healthy, you are the achievers, the traditionalists, the reformers and the leaders. When stressed, you suffer from psychosomatic illnesses and tend to nitpick at your loved ones. Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and will keep the peace at any cost. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic. Type 1 reformers retreat into themselves and become reclusive eccentrics. Type 8 leaders become reclusive intellectuals bent on acquiring knowledge for its own sake.
Solution: Coping with autoimmune disorders at the height of your career can be difficult, and talking about them incessantly can drive away your friends that you need the most while you are under stress. No one likes a complainer. Find something you like on television, whether it is comedies or sports, and cheer yourself up while you restore your health or at least rest. If you can sing, you might want to consider purchasing a home karaoke machine. You may want to consider seeing an osteopath (D.O.) and a nutritionist about making lifestyle changes so that you can return to your former active self. Depression is a serious issue – please do not feel ashamed to seek professional help if you need it.

ESTJ stressors

ESTJ Lucy Van Pelt
ESTJ Lucy Van Pelt nitpicking at one of the other Peanuts – one of the most infamous ESTJ images ever!

SP – The Artisans

ESFP – SEE/ESFp (Type 7, Type 2)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the helpers. When stressed, you regress into self-destructive, immature, regressive behavior. Type 7 adventurers become crusaders for causes, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: There is a reason your personality type is called “The Performer”. Find your roots and get involved in the arts, whether it means singing karaoke or auditioning for part in your city’s local theatre district. Dance. Sing. Juggle. It sounds like common sense, but those little things can make you feel happy again and before you know it, you’ll be back to your old self. (By the way, studies have shown that juggling can actually make your brain grow, so that’s a second reason to do it.)

ESFP stressors

Self-destructive ESFP
If you find these kinds of selfies on social media after a party, it might be time to check into rehab – singing karaoke might not be enough! #selfdestructiveESFP

ISFP – ESI/ISFj (Type 4, Type 9, Type 5, Type 2)
When healthy, you are the quiet individualists, the peacemakers, the creative artists, and the helpers in society. When stressed, you engage in thrill-seeking and blaming others for your bad behavior. Type 4 individualists become neurotically helpful, Type 9 peacemakers become staunch reactionaries, sometimes even espousing fascist and neo-Nazi groups, Type 5 artists become hedonistic thrill-seekers, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: Even though it goes against your very private nature to do so, please seek help immediately if you are feeling stressed. The prisons are filled with ISFPs. I personally know a few ISFPs who have served time because of stupid things they did under extreme stress. They seem like the last people you would expect to commit crimes if you met them in person, too. To keep your stress levels down, draw, paint, play music, and, of course, commune with nature.

ISFP stressors

Squidward's rampage
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides, it was… that LAUGH… he had it coming, he really did.

ESTP – SLE/ESTp (Type 7, Type 3)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the achievers. ESTPs really do get an unfair reputation in my opinion. Most ESTPs are not sociopaths. ESTPs can make the most loyal friends and family members of any of the types. Unfortunately, if you are a stressed ESTP, you can become impulsive or even abusive toward others. Adventurous Type 7 ESTPs become bent on proving some cause at all costs, and Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and subservient.
Solution: ESTPs tend to become a danger to themselves when stressed. Please seek professional help when you feel stressed, whether or not you think you need it. Although people tend to self-diagnose as bipolar way too much nowadays, this doesn’t mean that people never suffer from the disorder. Highly risky, impulsive behavior can have lethal consequences. Don’t find out the hard way.

ESTP stressors

Dangerous Selfie
This photo was rated one of the World’s Most Dangerous Selfies. I lost an awesome ESTP best friend who died doing a dangerous stunt on a moving train.

ISTP – LSI/ISTj (Type 5, Type 6)
When healthy, you are the intellectuals and the traditionalists. Under stress, rage takes over and your destructive outbursts are directed at whomever is convenient, guilty or innocent. They might take the form of intellectual, logical evisceration, or your rage might turn your nearest target into a literal human punching bag. Type 5 intellectuals become hedonistic and Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic.
Solution: Unbelievable as it sounds, your rage can be dangerous and has the potential to ruin lives and injure or kill people. Do not allow your stress levels to reach that point. Take some anger management classes and learn to manage your anger like you can control your body before it ever becomes a problem.

ISTP stressors

ISTP rage
ISTP Arya Stark on Game of Thrones is out of control in this scene. She was later chastised by her mentor for killing the wrong man.

NT – The Rationals

ENTP – ILE/ENTp (Type 7, Type 3)
When healthy, you are the adventurers and the achievers. Under stress, panic attacks and feelings of inadequacy take over. You can become stubborn over inane matters. Type 7 adventurers become obsessed with causes, and Type 3 achievers become sycophantic and obsessed with keeping the peace at all costs.
Solution: Charge your spiritual batteries. Go dancing. Sing in front of a group. Try out for a play or a part in a performing dance troupe. Paint pictures. Learn a new language. Travel. The world is full of possibilities.

ENTP stressors

Death of Socrates
Socrates, once the adventurer of the mind for Athens, became hell-bent on proving his point of free-speech once  he was censored by the majority, rather than listen to his advisors and move elsewhere. A great voice was forever silenced when he stubbornly drank the hemlock.

ENTJ – LIE/ENTj (Type 8, Type 3, Type 6)
When healthy, ENTJs are leaders, achievers, or traditionalists who are unafraid to think outside the box. Under stress, in short, OCD takes over the ENTJ. Type 8 leaders become obsessed with studying and learning, Type 3 achievers become sycophants obsessed with keeping the peace at all costs, and Type 6 traditionalists become very materialistic.
Solution: This really depends on how severe the OCD becomes for the ENTJ. There is nothing wrong with a few cleaning binges, but OCD encompasses quite a bit more than that. Anorexia nervosa can be a lifelong struggle with fatal consequences. So can cocaine addiction. I personally know ENTJs who struggle with each of those issues. Even simple OCD can interfere with everyday life when it gets to a certain level. ENTJs do have a good sense of when it is time to seek professional help for these things. In the mean time, exercise and music (whether playing an instrument or just dancing to your favorite tunes) are great stress reducers.

ENTJ stressor

Melvin Udall
OCD much? Check. (Love the gloves!) Creative? Check. Verbally abusive? Check. One could make a good argument for Melvin Udall being an ENTJ. I do hate self-disclosure, but I have been known to wash my hands with antibacterial soap after handling the Cheagle. More than once.

Now you’re probably curious what a Cheagle is. You’re welcome.

INTP – LII/INTj (Type 5)
When healthy, you are the intellectuals and consultants called upon to provide expertise for others. Under stress, your creativity falters and you suffer from writer’s block, stage fright, or other types of lack of confidence of that nature. You become hedonistic as your confidence plummets, perhaps binge-eating or binge-drinking.
Solution: Maybe a “stay-cation” is warranted to recharge your batteries. See if you can get a few days off work just to stay home alone and read or play video games or do whatever you want. Albert Einstein periodically had his doctor give him notes to take time off from school for “nervous rest” so he could recharge… and look at what he was able to accomplish.

INTP stressors

Albert Einstein sometimes took mental health breaks from school to keep his creativity fresh.

INTJ – ILI/INTp (Type 5, Type 6)
When you are healthy, you are the intellectuals and traditionalists who work behind the scenes to run the machinery of society. Under stress, you are prone to anxiety attacks. Type 5 intellectuals are prone to drinking binges and Type 6 traditionalists can become very materialistic. INTJs are also particularly prone to Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild type of autism.
Solution: Obviously, Asperger’s Syndrome is far too complicated to discuss in a blog and requires extensive, long-term professional care. Highly introverted INTJs need a lot of alone time to read and play video games. Soft, furry animals like cats have often proven helpful in reducing the stress that triggers anxiety attacks, and adopting one from a local shelter can save the creature from a great tragedy. As is the case with ESFPs, self-care only goes so far – rehab is in order if the substance abuse gets out of hand.

INTJ stressors

INTJ Martin Luther
INTJ Martin Luther suffering an anxiety attack during fervent prayer. (Luther, 2003)

NF – The Idealists

ENFP – IEE/ENFp (Type 7, Type 4, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the adventurers, the individualists, and the helpers in society. You are unafraid to express your creative and yet pragmatic self in your own unique way. Under stress, a surreal feeling takes over and ENFPs tend to become somewhat paranoid. Type 7 adventurers become crusaders over particular causes. Type 4 individualists become obsessed with helping others. Helpful Type 2s become dictatorial and controlling.
Solution: You should seek professional help if you feel like you are losing your grip on reality, your sudden controlling behavior is giving you violent tendencies, or if you feel like you might be a danger to yourself. Like ENTJs, most ENFPs seem to know when it is time to check into rehab, if that is in order. There are ways of coping with ADHD that do not necessarily involve medication if you are determined (breaking up study sessions, regimenting where you put things, drinking coffee, etc.). You have a good handle on logic, so use it to manage your own mental health.

ENFP stressors

Paranoid ENFP
The Daily Mail UK reported that ENFP Robin Williams was extremely paranoid before he committed suicide. This is a classic sign of extreme stress among ENFPs.

INFP – EII/INFj (Type 4, Type 5, Type 9, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the unique individualists, the intellectuals, the peacemakers, and the helpers in society. Combined with your rich inner dream world, you can create beautiful literature and bring spiritual healing to many. Under stress, you can become catatonic and your language becomes too ethereal and symbolic for others to follow and you fall into a downward spiral of complete isolation. Individualistic Type 4s become chronic helpers, intellectual Type 5s become extreme hedonists, often engaging in addictive behavior like gambling, alcoholism, sexual thrill-seeking and gluttony, Type 9 peacemakers become staunch reactionaries and espouse controversial groups like the neo-Nazis on one end or Femen on the other, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling.
Solution: Please seek professional help immediately. INFPs have a higher risk for suicide and suicide attempts than other personality types. Not all INFPs are suicidal, but it would be better for a professional to make that determination on an individual basis.

INFP stressors

INFP pole dancer
Stressed INFPs often engage in sexual thrill-seeking, including working in jobs in the sex industry.

ENFJ – EIE/ENFj (Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the highly empathic helpers in society, willing to share of yourselves and make the world a better place. Under stress, you fall prey to psychosomatic illness that manifests itself with very real symptoms, then become very angry and controlling of others.
Solution: Sometimes when you give so much of yourself, you can lose your own persona in the process. You might benefit from a reality check through some talk therapy with a professional, especially if you have been through a lot of trauma as a child.

Stressed ENFJ

Bad mother
ENFJ Vivi Walker was rather demonized after the movie version of Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood was released. She was a very flawed and traumatized human being, just as most people, and of course parents, are. Daydreaming and engaging your Ni will not land you in a mental institution for six months, but beating your kids half to death might. If you were traumatized in the past, make sure to deal with your PTSD so that you can stay present with your family and not snap like Vivi.

INFJ – IEI/INFp (Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 2)
When you are healthy, you are the individualists, the intellectuals, the traditionalists, and the helpers in society. You seek out injustice and expose it. Under stress, you suffer from dissociation. Type 4 individualists become overly helpful. Type 5 intellectuals indulge in substance abuse and other hedonistic pleasures. Type 6 traditionalists become materialistic, and Type 2 helpers become angry and controlling (the infamous “INFJ rage”).
Solution: Try relaxing and making sure that your environment reflects the peace that you crave. Seek out a therapist or life coach that is congruent with your values and belief system. Indulge your hobbies like music, whether playing an instrument or singing. Volunteer work can also help you feel like you are making a difference in people’s lives.

INFJ stressors

Type 2 INFJ
Here is a classic example of a Type 2 Helper INFJ under stress. First she seems to dissociate as the Khals discuss gang raping her, then she snaps back and takes complete control of the situation. She is the Daenerys the Unburnt. From GoT.


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