Which Type Has the Most Geniuses?

Three levels of Standard Deviation above Average

I was told by the membership director of Mensa that IQ and MBTI are not correlated. Many people have seen the following chart, which seems to suggest the opposite:

IQ by MBTI Type
IQ by MBTI Type

Also, having grown up being part of the Advanced, Honors and Gifted Program in the American Public Schools, I have noticed a peculiar phenomenon among many of the friends I have kept touch with over the years. Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. My friends in school seemed to over-represent certain personality types compared to the general population (ISTP females, ENTJs, ENTPs, etc.). Very, very few of my friends in school were ESFJs. They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. I’m not saying that all people on one side of the chart are stupid – when I think of ESFJs, actually, the first person I think of is one of my friends from my advanced Latin classes in high school, but I just did not know many in school. So what is actually going on? Are there more geniuses among one type? Does that chart mean that INTPs are twice as smart as ENTJs, or that ESFJs have really low IQs?


So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them.

First of all, it just means that, based on IQ test results, if you have a group of 100 INTPs and a group of 100 people of all types, the INTPs will probably have four geniuses in the group when the other group has two. Conversely, if you have 100 ESFJs in the group, chances are, none of them will have an IQ above 129.

For more about how IQ works, read this.

Three levels of Standard Deviation above Average
Three levels of Standard Deviation above Average

Based on statistics that I posted in a previous blog (which were based on a number of different sources) and the bar graph above, here are the statistics for how many people place in the top 2% by IQ  based on each personality type:

The Bar Graph combined with "How Special is Your Snowflake?"
The Bar Graph combined with “How Special is Your Snowflake?”

Finally, I sorted the data based on the total amount of geniuses to find out who has sheer numbers in the genius category.

ENFPs taking over the world
ENFPs taking over the world

It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP.

In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs. (This explains the reason why you must state in advance whether or not you are into hugging!)

Two Schools Full
Someone asked me last night exactly how rare our type (female ENTJ geniuses) would be (about two out of the five ENTJs) in the theoretical Mensa meeting. To fill up a meeting with 100 geniuses would require 5000 people, considering that the required IQ is the top 2% of the population. That’s about enough to fill two medium sized high schools.

Finally, there are other levels of intelligence that need to be measured in order to determine a person’s success in life. This bar graph from Business Insider provides an important contrast to the previous one:

From a Business Insider article on September 16, 2016
From a Business Insider article on September 16, 2016

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another measure of one’s ability to fit into society and exhibit empathy. A score between 30 and 80 is considered normal. A score lower than 30 is considered to be on the autism spectrum and cause for concern. Newer IQ tests generally do not incorporate these tests into IQ scores, although they do have positive effects, such as prevention of bullying in schools and at the workplace. My own Stanford-Binet test in Seventh Grade did include sections for evaluation of leadership abilities and hobby interests. I do remember that the school district changed over to a different test within several months by the time my younger sibling was tested.

21 thoughts on “Which Type Has the Most Geniuses?

  1. Damn! This is very interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed that just by sheer number ENFPs are more likely to have higher IQs. Just from understanding MBTI and knowing stereotypes, I would think INTJs would come out on top.

    I wonder if NFs would come up on top in a study that involves EQ.

    Excellent post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you again! 🙂

      Regarding your question about EQ, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in this area. Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. I am inclined to believe it is more related to being intuitive as opposed to being a sensor, since bullying seems so common among SFJs.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t even know if you blog here anymore since someone swiped your name, but I just found this a couple days ago. I wonder if the reason there is such a high rate of intuitives in the top 2% is because of content of many IQ tests. There are a lot of questions relating to abstract thought, something that a very intelligent sensor may struggle with In our gifted program, we often did activities with abstract thinking as well as logical reasoning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oddly, ISTJs comprise the second highest MBTI type among geniuses, so I’m not sure I would say IQ tests are favorable to intuitives over sensors. There do seem to be far more geniuses among the Delta Quadra socionics group, which use Te, Ne, Si and Fi as their functions. Te of course is extraverted logic, but Ne has to do with imagination and Si has to do with memory. 40% of geniuses belong to the Delta Quadra, which averages twice those of all the other Quadrae.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Actually IQ tests do tend to favor intuitives. ISTJ is the third most common personality type out of the 16 personalities which means there is going to be a higher amount of ISTJ geniuses due to sheer population numbers. ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. This again gives ENFP a higher amount of geniuses due to sheer population. The other intuitives are all relatively rare with INFJ being the rarest at less than 2 percent of the population. IQ testing seems to favor the INXX personality with a slight edge given to the INTP personality. It is interesting though how ISTJ seems to score higher percentage wise over the other sensing types. A very common type but they seem to be up there with ENTJ and ENFJ in regards to IQ.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great article. Im kinda confused how the percentage of people with high IQs is so disproportional to the amount of intuitives in the population. INTJs are supposed to be highly rational, “always right” but the IQ bell suggests that there are many INTJs with rather average IQs. Im an ESTJ with an IQ of 110-120 and my abilities are pretty shitty. So how are intuitives who would mostly match my IQ range seen as visionary highly rational people? Was I unnecessarily feeling inferior for being a sensor? Are intuitives really generally smarter tham sensors or just more interested in the unconventional and hypothetical = higher crystalized intelligence?
    Id be really happy if you anwered me:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ENTJs and ENFJs (intuitive types) have less than the average amount of people with high IQs as well, so it’s not necessarily a sensor versus intuitive thing. (I’m ENTJ.) The information that I’ve seen seems to link the design of IQ tests with traits more common in intuitives, specifically those with dominant extraverted intuition (as opposed to the introverted intuition used by INTJs). I have met INTJs with IQs below 100, and I was friends with an ENTJ who was mentally challenged. Honestly, the differences are minimal (3.7% of INTPs are geniuses; 0.8% or so of ISTPs are, so both numbers are pretty small). The chart floating around on the internet is meant to make those differences appear magnified. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ.

      And I apologize for not responding earlier; I had pneumonia and haven’t been online much in the last few months.


      1. Alright that makes sense. And I forgive you for having answered so late. Work is always important;)
        Could it be that Im an ENTJ? I always get passionate about things that include the potential to build an empire out of it.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This is awesome, thank you.
    BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A relevant omission is the frequency of occurrence of each personality type? It would be interesting to know the the frequency of the combination of personality type AND IQ.


  6. Just to clarify, the blog is linked to and mentions another blog, “How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0”, which has lots and lots of statistical data and sources. I should not have to post this stuff twice. Just click the link to it and you will be amazed.


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